Will Quantum Computing Become A Trillion Dollar Gold Mine?

Is Quantum Computing the Next Trillion-Dollar Industry?

IS Quantum Computing the Next Trillion Dollar Industry

There are so many people who are looking for what could make them the world’s first trillionaire and they are diving deep in this never-ending quest of making better technology.

This aligns with the conquest and one of the most groundbreaking changes that could happen in the world of computing, that can be brought through quantum computers.

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What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is the use of quantum-mechanical phenomena such as superposition and entanglement to perform computation. Computers that perform quantum computations are known as quantum computers.

This definition is probably not the best way to understand
quantum computers.

Think of it as a way of using principles of atoms instead of the ones used for mechanics in day to day life in order to provide better performance and usage.

Quantum Computing algorithms and explanation

So, figuring out a new way to compute things has long been a major area of study. Today, we’re on the cusp of two architectures that can fill the gap. 

These algorithms are considerably hard to make in order to make it the best one for an advanced computing system.

The first is quantum computing, which uses subatomic effects to create almost unimaginably large computing spaces. 

The second,

Called neuromorphic computing, mimics the design of the human brain. However,

Quantum computing is especially good at simulating physical systems, like materials and biological systems, as well as for massive optimization processes, as in a large financial portfolio. 

Neuromorphic chips can be millions of times more efficient than conventional processors, which makes them ideal or tasks like edge computing.

Why are Quantum Computers Better?

Quantum computers can solve problems that would take infinitely long in a classical computer thing such as modeling the brain and modeling weather systems etc.

Let's take a deeper look at how they work,

The regular computers process data as binary bits represented either as a 0 or 1. This happens using transistors and these numbers are called bits.

A quantum computer on the other hand the equivalent data is processed using quantum bits or qubits that can exist in both 0 and 1 state at once allowing multiple computations to happen simultaneously! These states in a particle are called spin.

Quantum computing and quantum bits

This simultaneous state of both 0 and 1 is like a kind of sweep of probabilities called a superposition this makes it possible to store.

This makes it possible to store and 
manipulate vast amounts of information with a relatively small amount of particles.

 So what is a qubit made from? 

While a normal computer spits are made from tiny transistors, a qubit can be anything that exhibits quantum behavior an electron an atom or even a molecule that is if the environment is right more on this later so I just want to solidify why the superposition aspect is so important.

In quantum computing, operations instead use the quantum state of an object to produce what's known as a qubit. These states are the undefined properties of an object before they've been detected, such as the spin of an electron or the polarization of a photon. 

Rather than having a clear position, unmeasured quantum states occur in a mixed 'superposition', not unlike a coin spinning through the air before it lands in your hand. 

These superpositions can be entangled with those of other objects, meaning their final outcomes will be mathematically related even if we don't know yet what they are. 

Quantum Computing and it's future

The complex mathematics behind these unsettled states of entangled 'spinning coins' can be plugged into special algorithms to make short work of problems that would take a classical computer a long time to work out... if they could ever calculate them at all. 

Such algorithms would be useful in solving complex mathematical problems, producing hard-to-break security codes, or predicting multiple particle interactions in chemical reactions.

In the end,

All of the above leaves us in a place where there can be some tremendous technological changes in the future of computers and quantum computing.

There might be so many fields where this advancement can be used, like cloud computing, cell visualization, and so on!

Recently, the neuralink demo was released. This technology needs high cloud computing power in order to be able to understand human brains and visualize it this is where it can be used. Frankly speaking, the future advancement of neuralink might also be dependent on quantum computers.

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